Thai Yoga Massage (90 min $120)

Thai Yoga Massage unlike any other kind of massage. It's done on the floor mat fully clothed. Thai Yoga Massage gets into areas where a normal massage doesn't get into. The premise of this massage is that I treat trigger points and then stretch it all out. This massage trains the muscles to go further than they normally go and they get out of their habitual protective patterns and change the muscle memory. The experience with most of my clients is that with the combination of Thai Yoga Massage and some yoga on their own, they see significant differences. In some cases where they were in chronic pain, are now completely PAIN FREE!
Private Therapeutic Yoga Session (60/90 min $75/$100)

There are many reasons to schedule private yoga sessions: General Introduction to Yoga, have a deeper understanding of why you might not be able to do some poses in class, or injury rehabilitation that needs special attention. These private sessions are designed to work with any problem or difficulty which require a one on one format and are especially good for persons not wishing to be in a group class. Each session is uniquely tailored to the individual. Students will leave with a series of asanas to work on at home and each subsequent session will build upon the first.
Private Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy (90 min $110)
Physically, it is like having a yoga class done to your body! But we add layers of deep introspection, which leads to the opportunity for creating a more fulfilling life. If this sounds intriguing, read on!
Through practitioner assisted yoga postures and a dialogue process that is both open-ended and non-directive of the outcome of the session, the client is facilitated through an experience of him or herself in the present moment. And what ever happens in the present moment — physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually finds richness in relationship to the bigger picture of how that client is being in the world in daily life — work, play, family and relationships. Using focused breathing and the opportunity to verbalize the in-the-moment experiences — thoughts, emotions, sensations, memories — client experience such a connection as well as a deeper attunement to his/her own internal guiding compass.
Through this process of awareness and discernment, clients have the opportunity to release old undigested experiences, traumas, personal beliefs and out-of-datehabits and patterns to then move more fully into life with new perspective and personal efficacy.
While a series of sessions are often most helpful, profound change has been know to occur in a single session.
Through practitioner assisted yoga postures and a dialogue process that is both open-ended and non-directive of the outcome of the session, the client is facilitated through an experience of him or herself in the present moment. And what ever happens in the present moment — physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually finds richness in relationship to the bigger picture of how that client is being in the world in daily life — work, play, family and relationships. Using focused breathing and the opportunity to verbalize the in-the-moment experiences — thoughts, emotions, sensations, memories — client experience such a connection as well as a deeper attunement to his/her own internal guiding compass.
Through this process of awareness and discernment, clients have the opportunity to release old undigested experiences, traumas, personal beliefs and out-of-datehabits and patterns to then move more fully into life with new perspective and personal efficacy.
While a series of sessions are often most helpful, profound change has been know to occur in a single session.
Semi-Private Yoga Class

Get a group of friends together to share the cost of a private session to work on specific needs of the group.